Community Reinforcement And Family Training
A non-confrontational evidence-based intervention.
The CRAFT (Community Reinforcement and Family Training) program is a non-confrontational evidence-based intervention that helps family and friends develop effective strategies for helping their loved one who is struggling with substance use issues or challenges and for feeling better themselves.
CRAFT Program teaches family and friends new skills in rapport building, positive reinforcement, communication, and problem solving, motivation techniques, how to analyze substance use patterns, how and when to intervene, safety precautions and more.

What Is The CRAFT Approach?
Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT) is intended to help family members of people with a substance use issues or challenges learn how to steer their loved one away from substance abuse. It is a great method for helping someone that’s refusing treatment or refusing to admit they are no longer in control of how much they consume.
Instead of an old-school intervention where the family and friends get together and confront the person in an attempt to enroll them in a rehabilitation program, the CRAFT method encourages close significant others (which the program calls CSOs) to reward their loved one when they choose sobriety or show control.